Archives for category: children with disabilities



I’m starting out with this blogging thing.  I need to be vigilant and now I am being told that I am too vigilant–code word for “anxious and controlling”–and that it is a problem.  I am holding down the fort with two children who are atypical.  One, William, has fetal alcohol syndrome, and the other one, Marty, seems to have some learning difficulty and definitely has mental health issues.  My partner, Dana, is of little to no use for the day-to-day needs and worries.  She “brings home the bacon” as she likes to say, and “does the boy things,” but she leaves all of the details to me.  Then I seem to be blamed for focusing on all of the details!  It is aggravating.

That’s all for right now.  I’ll keep this up and see how it goes.

Vigilant Mom  Image